Wed Nov 25
75 easy, feeling fine
Thu Nov 26
off, but I ran around for a few minutes chasing wild turkeys
Fri Nov 27
Strawberry canyon w/ Dennis
Sat, Nov 28
45 am w/ Dennis, 30 pm easy jogging at the track. Dennis' cousin showed up too. At least I think it was his cousin. They were both asian anyway.
Nov 25 - 28
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Nov 21 - 24
Sat Nov 21
Bike to Stanford
Sun Nov 22
60 easy
Mon Nov 23
75 easy. Met a few guys from a running club who say they'd like to have me and they have lots of guys between 14:50 and 15:40 for 5000.
Tue Nov 24
75 easy. Feeling peppy.
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Nov 20, 2009 (75 minutes)
I started doing a strider near the end of this run, but stopped because my hamstring felt slightly worse than it seemed to last week. My legs were definitely sore on Wednesday after the long ride, so I'm hoping this is a holdover from that and not a regression.
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Nov 16 - 19
I hurt my back by coughing. I was sitting in a chair yesterday (actually a novelty - my room doesn't have a chair), and slouching a bit. Then I coughed since the vestiges of this sniffles disease are taking a while to go away. And as I coughed, a muscle in my lower back seized up, apparently with a light strain. It continues to hurt now, the next afternoon.
This was probably brought on by Tuesday, when I biked to Stanford and back. That was more than six hours on the bike, which I'm not used to, and my lower back ached from it. I guess in my weakened state, a cough was enough to send me over the edge.
I haven't run much this week because Monday I was recovering from sickness, Tuesday biked to Stanford and bike, Wednesday still recovering, and yesterday I did 60 minutes. I might have to take off today, too due to this back thing. I'm supposed to go back to Stanford on Saturday as well, but I might have to take public transit given that my body has decided to hate me.
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Weekly Summary: November 9 - 15, 2009 (395 minutes, 90 minute long run)
Big jump in total running, but it didn't feel like I was jumping up all that much. Running every day helped push the total minutage up. The good thing was I just took it how I felt each day. On Thursday, I ran into the triathlon club working out on the track. The coach offered to let me jump into the workout whenever I was feeling good, and said his top guys run 32:00 10k, so that should be good when I'm feeling stronger. I also reacquainted myself with Ogliore and Feldman this and last week, so I've got some running buddies around, although my repertoire is limited by the self-enforced restriction to grass fields.
It's Monday and I'm feeling sick. I actually started feeling it a bit on Saturday, but ignored it. Today I'm full of snot don't feel much like leaving the room. It's not very bad, but enough that I won't be running. So for next week the goal is simply to get healthy and do some little runs.
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Nov 12 - 15, 2009
11/15: 60 minutes easy, feeling a bit sick
11/14: 30 minutes
11/13: 60 minutes. legs felt perky.
11/12: 45 minutes.
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November 9, 10, 11 (90, 45, 65 minutes)
The long run on Monday felt long - it was definitely starting to take a toll by the end. I could feel my legs being generally tired, but not specifically sore in my right hamstring.
I went easy the next day to recover, and had a good 65 minute run today.
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Weekly Summary: November 2 - 8, 2009 (305 minutes)
A decent week, although at the beginning of it I planned on doing a little more running than I actually did. The good news is nothing particularly hurt, although on none of my runs did I feel especially peppy, either.
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Sunday, November 8, 2009 (25 minutes)
Took an easy day, then went climbing. There was a little pain in my right heel, but it quickly disappeared.
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Saturday, November 7, 2009 (80 minutes)
I think this counts as a long run. My pace has mostly been very slow in the last few weeks. I'm trying to counteract the deleterious effects of more time running with less intensity. It's working so far. My endurance has definitely begun to return. A month ago an 80 minute run would have been taxing, but this felt easy.
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Friday, November 6, 2009 (65 minutes, 20 minutes)
I did a normal 65 minute run on the baseball diamond/track infield (moving when the baseball players came to remove the infield tarp). Then I went ice skating (suffering one significant bruise that still hurts now - I'd never done any such activity before), but on the ride from the rink to someone's house, I got a flat, and ran the last three miles pushing the bike alongside me to get there before all the pizza was gone. It worked, as I actually got there at precisely the same time as everyone else. But they used cars.
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Thursday, November 5, 2009 (bike 40 miles)
Biked to Stanford. I took a pretty crappy route, letting Google Maps decide where to send me after realizing it had finally learned that you can cross the Dumbarton Bridge on foot. The surface streets it chose through Oakland were not as good as what I had improvised before, though. Maybe 3.5 hours to get there. Rode the train back.
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Wednesday, November 4, 2009 (75 minutes)
I almost got hit by a car. That's a regular occurrence for runners. But not when you're running laps on a baseball field. Why would someone be driving their car around on a baseball field? It's not like you'd ever stay in the baseline when rounding third. Have you ever tried flagging down a pop fly - with your sunroof? Damn near impossible. And the only way you'd ever hit with the thing is to bunt. I'm serious though. A car came out of a gap in the outfield fence and drove down the warning track right next to me. And it's not like there's a parking lot on the other side of that fence. There's a little bit of dirt and a cement wall.
Core, a smidgin of lifting afterwards.
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Oct 26 - Nov 3
10/26 - 10/28
I'm not sure why i didn't write this down earlier. I think it was 45/60 minutes each day.
75 minutes on baseball field. longest run yet, but still felt good.
30 minutes. stung by a bee on south field. fuck you south field
70 minutes at SCIACs with Gus and Chaves
60 minutes on NF, with Jesse a little. grass is pretty rough there, and ate some of my toes
40 minutes or so. was a little sore earlier on, so i didn't go long
traveling, and then out all day. took off
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