I must be doing something right because the foam under my right armpit is back.
Friday, July 20, 2010 (45 minutes)
Longest run in a while. Feeling good. My pace seems to vary widely, but it depends on my train of thought. I can still hit a good clip easily, but I can't maintain it like I used to, at least not without lots of effort, so I wind up speeding up when I'm thinking about something, then slowing down when reality settles in again.
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Monday, July 19, 2010 (36 minutes)
Nice run around the grove. I keep saying I need new shoes and then not getting them. This has to end. I guess I'll just stop saying it.
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Tuesday July 14, 2010 (30 minutes)
Woodchip trail for 30 minutes. Actually about 29 minutes for five laps.
I took an extended rest because I smacked my knee hard against a wall while rock climbing just after my last update. It never looked bruised or swollen, but still took a big chunk of time to heal. Now it feels pretty much better, but I definitely need new shoes.
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Saturday, July 3 2010 (40 minutes)
Good 40 minute run around campus in the morning. The dirt trail along Stanford avenue has been improved out of existence, though.
In the afternoon I went climbing and banged my knee. It continued hurting enough on the 4th to keep me from running.
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Friday, July 2, 2010 (20 minutes barefoot)
Yesterday afternoon, after running in the morning, I was assigned to lead the track activity with the campers. I would up running 4x200 at a decent clip (old mile pace), and was sore this morning, but the good kind of sore.
Since I did my longest run yet yesterday morning and a bonus workout in the afternoon, I decided to take it easy today with a 20-minute barefoot jog on the grass at Wilbur field. It felt good and my foot held up.
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June 30 and July 1, 2010 (5 and 6 x grove)
I've moved up my run length gradually over the past week. Doing six laps actually felt fine this morning. That translates into a 35 minute run at about 7:00/mile, or maybe a little slower.
I think it will be a while before I truly feel comfortable running again, but I'm at least able to do it.
I've been running in shoes on a wood chip trail, and this seems to be working well for my foot. Going barefoot seems to be harder on it. My current pair of shoes is a little old, so I guess I need some new ones.
Also, I have to run with my work cell phone when I'm on duty. It naturally has a clock, so I was using that to see how much time has elapsed, and hence not lose track of how many laps I've run. I ran in the dark. To see the time, I opened up the phone and looked at the clock. When I closed the phone, the time was still displayed on the outside.
Later on, I hit a button on the outside of the phone accidentally and the time popped up again. So ten minutes (or so) later, I wanted the time. I figured it would be easier to hit the button on the outside of the phone than to open it, so I hit a button on the outside. Instead of the time, a little picture of a bell popped. I kept pressing buttons, trying to get the bell to go away and the time to pop up. Then I ran into a pole.
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