The nice thing about the South Field is they've put some money into the athletic department recently, and this includes a large digital clock hanging over the pool. It displays the time to the second and is visible from the track, so it's okay that I lost my watch, and I don't have to try to squint through the glare at the analog clock that mostly hidden behind some trailer thing.
The bad thing is that it's raping my toes. I've put bandaids on two toes, but by the end of the run today several more toes had a surface layer of skin scraped off, I suppose by the nasty bits of grass.
Other than that, this run was fine. I did a few little pickups in the middle because I felt like I was jogging a little too much. There was a little soreness on the outside of my right knee, so I did some foam roller and IT band stretches afterward.
Friday, January 28, 2011 (40 minutes)
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Jan 24 - 27
Mon Jan 24: 45 minutes around the Rose Bowl with John
Tue Jan 25: 40 minutes on the South field
Wed Jan 26: 30 minutes North field
Thu Jan 27: 40 minutes South field
I've increased the distance slightly, from 35 to 40 minutes for a "normal" run. Still feeling pretty good, but I'm unambitious at the moment.
Also, some time last weekend I ran a 6:38 beer mile.
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Jan 20 - 23 (some runs)
Shame on me for not recording. I ran at least twice, maybe three times.
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Mon - Wed, January 17 - 19 (35 minutes each)
I've been pretty consistent with the 35 minutes. It's feeling good, so maybe I can run a little longer, as long as I'm careful about it.
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Fri - Sun January 14 - 16, 2011 (35 minutes each)
I hit up the north/south field each day. I've mostly been feeling good, but on Saturday I felt tired and depleted.
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011 (North Field)
I forgot my watch, so I ran barefoot on the north field until it felt like I was done. Maybe half a hour. Felt fine.
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Monday, January 10, 2011 (35 minutes)
I ran on the track, mostly because there were still signs saying the south field was closed, and there were a bunch of guys there working on it. As I left, though, I saw that the north field has finally been reopened, so I'll move there for tomorrow.
The run felt fine. My back is still a little tender, but it didn't bother me while running, and when I timed one lap near the end of the run I was going about 6-minute pace.
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Sunday, January 9, 2011 (35 minutes)
Through the arroyo with Megumi. I hurt my back a little on Friday, somehow tweaking some muscles in the middle of my upper back. Despite some residual soreness, I felt good on this run, and my back isn't bothering me any more.
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January 2 - 8
2, 3, 4 ran 30 minutes each day
5, 6 off
7 30 minutes
8 off
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Saturday, January 1, 2011 (20 minutes)
There's a good, pretty-much continuous, mostly non-frozen strip of grass along the sidewalks at my parents' new house, so I did an easy 20 minutes this morning. I didn't bring any running shorts with me, so I ran in khakis, then went to Target afterwards.
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