Easy run around the north field. Felt fine, but my ankles are still a little sore.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 (40 minutes)
I've been feeling really up and down lately. My sinus infection still isn't completely gone. My ankles have been a bit sore, I guess from running on trails and streets with Will and Matt.
I really love the social side of running, especially since I'm not in college surrounded by peers any more, but most people don't want to run thirty laps on the infield just for the pleasure of my company while they do so.
All my tutoring was canceled today, so I went to track practice and gave some tips to the javelin throwers. The 40-minute run felt fine. The last 5 were quick, and aside from some soreness in my ankles, nothing complained very much.
Posted by Markkimarkkonnen 0 comments
Feb 3, 4
Thu 3: stopped after 7 minutes. My right achilles was tender.
Fri 4: stopped after 10 minutes for the same reason. The achilles seemed stronger than yesterday, but I didn't want to push my luck. I did the eccentric calf exercises. In general I have been feeling a bit messed up since being sick last weekend. I still have lingering sinus trouble and am just feeling off. Maybe I'll take this weekend to rest.
Posted by Markkimarkkonnen 0 comments
Jan 29 - Feb 2
Sat 29 - 40 minutes
Sun 30 - off, sick
Mon 31 - off, sick
Tue 1 - 20 min
Wed 2 - 30 min
Hopefully it's residual from being sick, but I felt tight and sore today, and decided to stop after half an hour. Metabolically I felt fine, but my lower back was very sore while I was sick, and my knees and legs were sore, too. Now that mostly feels better, but I was generally tight, and my right achilles tendon ached some, and the bottom of my left foot had some dull pain.
Posted by Markkimarkkonnen 0 comments