Mon, Tu: 35 minutes each, with some "pre-tempo"
Wed: My right foot was a little sore yesterday, so I'm taking today off.
Monday - Wednesday
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Wed - Sun
I didn't realize I forgot to update the blog for almost an entire week. I did 30 minutes each day until the weekend, then 35 each on Saturday and Sunday.
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Tuesday, Wednesday (30 minutes each)
Tu: 30 minutes on the south field. Felt fine
Wed: another 30 minute run. Pretty slow, but felt okay.
I just signed up for the PP Invite on April 9, and seeded myself at 4:20 for the 1500m.
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Friday - Monday
Fri: off
Sat: north field 30 minutes. It was late. I had to sneak on, and it was cold so I had to wear shoes. Otherwise, a nice run.
Sun: off
Mon: 30 minutes south field, including assisting the incompetent track coaches with getting the water off the high jump mats (hint: stand on them).
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Thursday, March 17, 2010 (30 minutes)
North field. I did just a hint of pre-tempo towards the end of this run. I've been feeling better these last two weeks than the two weeks before them.
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March 16, 2011 (30 minutes)
South field - the north field was locked. There were some kids have a kid track meet but any time our paths were about to cross they figured out who was boss fast enough.
Last 10 minutes were at a good clip. I felt good enough that I might want to try a real but modest tempo soon. "Real" here simply means there's a measured distance and a stopwatch involved, not that there's some particular standard to attain.
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Tuesday, March 15, 2011 (30 minutes)
Easy 30 minutes around the North Field.
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011 (30 minutes)
30 minutes on the north field, with three deliberately fast laps at the end. I went pretty hard on those last three laps, because once I started picking up the pace, I figured I might as well push through hard since I'd only be running fast for a few minutes. I'll think of this sort of thing as pre-tempo. By the time my feet, ankles, achilles tendons, knees, IT bands, sore lower back, spasming upper back, sinus infection, and receding hairline finally decide it's okay to train for real, I'll hopefully have enough fitness that on the first tempo run my lungs don't just give up, saying that they never got the memo on this and simply aren't going to participate in heinous abuse.
Then I had a long talk with Julie and did a little weight room stuff.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011 (30 minutes, 4x200)
I did a jog on the north field, feeling pretty good. Afterwards, I did a little core, then decided it wouldn't kill me to run faster a little bit on the track. I did 4x200 going 34, 32, 30, 29. None of it felt good, but I guess it really shouldn't considering I haven't done this in a long time. I enjoy the knowledge that I got to use a couple of different gears, even if they were rusty ones.
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I've been running 30-40 minutes most days, but I don't feel like I'm getting very far. My feet semi-complain when I do more, and in general my body doesn't seem to be up for hard training. Still, I feel at least reasonably physically fit - sometimes there's a fast 10-minute segment in there that's keeping just a modicum of fitness around. I'm going to see if I can start stretching out the runs to be a little bit more serious in the next few weeks.
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