Thu: 35 minutes on the south field, pretty easy
Fri: 2x1600m on the track in flats.
The goal for this workout was to go for two or three 1600m in 5:20, depending on how I felt, and not to overdo it. On each repeat, I started out a little too slow, then sped up a little too much. After a ten-minute warm up, I ran the first one in 5:15, coming through the half in 2:35 and deliberately slowing down to avoid working too hard before I got deep into the workout. The first 200 was a tad slower than 40, though, so I had a hard time locking into pace.
On the second one, I started out slow again, running 41 for 200, then speeding up too much to run 5:11 for the whole thing. After that, my legs felt drained and I had to poop, so I stopped before doing a third. I think I should have had some breakfast. It was 1:00PM and I hadn't eaten yet, and I think that's part of the reason my legs were pooped. Also, I'm out of shape and don't run more than 35 minutes consecutively.
Finished with 2x200 in 30, 28. Also managed to tell some prefrosh to go to Harvey Mudd.
Thursday - Friday April 14 - 15, 2011
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011 (35 minutes)
35 minutes on the South Field, then a little core work and an hour of stationary bike. I'd like to train more, but I feel like 35 minutes is all my body can take right now. I'm not sure if the stationary bike is really worth the time.
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Monday, April 11, 2011 (30 minutes)
The North Field has jumped the shark. The southeast corner of the field is completely filled with pointy feet-jabbing things. I haven't figured out where they're coming from, but until I do I'm stuck with the south field.
I ran just before work, and then did a little gym work after work.
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Sunday, April 10, 2011 (35 minutes)
I am still a little worried about the pad on my left foot. It seemed to be pretty much improved earlier this year, but regular running is taking a little toll on it. It's not really bothering me per se, but I do feel like I need to continue to monitor it.
I did 35 minutes on the south field, then a little core/gym work. After thinking there lots of hot chicks running around at the meet the other day, I looked out the gym window this afternoon and the women's water polo team was taking their team photo, and it seemed to be fully of hotties, too. So maybe it's not track. Maybe I'm become increasingly horny due to recent low internet connectivity.
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Saturday, April 9, 2010 (1500m race 4:16)
69 - 69 - 67 - 51 ish
I am getting to be very predictable when I run.
Just as with every track race I run, I went out in the very back. I was in the slow heat of the 1500, and there were 30 people in the race. This means I had to work my way up past a lot of runners.
On the first lap, I was pretty doubtful that I was going to be up near the front by the end of the race, as I had expected to be based on seeds (I seeded myself at 4:20, and this was tied for the top seed in the heat). There was a big clump of people in front of me going too fast for me to catch up.
I continued passing people the whole time, running pretty much steady. I would sit on someone only for a short while before moving up. I had the strange feeling that I wasn't doing very well and wasn't going very fast, but I was moving up towards the front of the race nonetheless.
Around 900 in I could finally see where the front of the race was. Everyone must had simply slowed down considerably. There was a guy in orange with a good jump on everyone and a pack of five or six chasing him. I caught the pack on the homestretch going into the bell lap, but one runner had broken away from the pack and caught the orange guy.
I passed the orange guy on the curve to move into second place, and began thinking about how hard to move to catch the last guy in front. It turned out to be a moot point. He had a lot left and I didn't gain a step on him, but I did hold off everyone behind me to finish second in the heat. My arms were heavy and I felt like I couldn't kick at the end, but considering my recent training I'm very pleased with this race.
The other Caltech runners had up-and-down performances. Stephanie and Sylvia both ran well in the final heat of girls. Will Livingston also had a nice race behind me in the same heat (well, the first 200m were in front of me). He held off Nolan Shaheed by one second, running a PR 4:31. Shaheed set a new master's record running about 4:32. That's pretty awesome for a guy who's 61 years old!
I went back in the mid-day shuttle that was picking up long distance runners, so I didn't watch the 5000, but it was fun to spend a day at a good, mid-size track meet. There's an incredibly high proportion of hot people at these things.
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Friday, April 1, 2011 (35 minutes)
I was just about to write an entry about how I saw the flags up on the south field, started thinking about people racing, and decided to do a 5000m time trial that wound up going 5:12 / 5:01 / 4:51 / 31 = 15:35, but I just wasn't into it. So, does this mean I'm too old for April Fools jokes now?
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