This was a bit over 40 minutes, I think. Jogged from JT's house to Stanford, laps on the field, two long diagonal striders, and jog back. Felt good, but not peppy. Close to 20 minutes on roads/sidewalks going there and back.
Sunday, July 29, 2012 (40 minutes, 2 strides)
Hiking on Friday left me pretty sore, so I took Saturday off. 40 minutes barefoot on the fields at Stanford today, feeling good again. I did two nice striders afterwards, which were good, but felt a little odd since I'm out of the habit.
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Friday, July 27, 2012 (40 minutes)
Out-and-back on the trail. Feeling good, but kept the pace slow and easy.
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Thursday, July 26, 2012 (40 minutes)
Successfully climbed the tree this morning! There's a tree here that has gained some notoreity, and after four or so attempts I finally made it. Also did my normal morning run.
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Wednesday, July 25, 2012 (40 minutes)
My cyberdelinquency the past few days is thankfully not mirrored in meat space. I've been running each day, usually the same out-and-back route that takes roughly 40 minutes, although I haven't been timing it. My legs are definitely a bit sore and weak and tired and out of shape, but only a bit. It almost feels like normal running did back when we were young and the Matt and constantly trying to pull our pants off.
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Saturday, July 21, 2012 (40 minutes)
I did 35 minutes around Dennisville yesterday, going up high into the hills and getting lost a bit on the way back down.
Today I found a pretty straightforward trail near the retreat for Rationality Camp. It's paved, but there are dirt paths by the side and road crossings every half mile or so. I felt pretty good - no problems with my feet or sundry related delicates.
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Thursday, July 19, 2012 (30 minutes)
Some trail in some park somewhere near Dennisland, which is like Disneyland but free and still with long wait times.
We only went out 15 minutes on the trail and went pretty easy. It was nice to get away from the asphalt for a while.
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Wednesday, July 18, 2012 (30 minutes)
Around 123 Fake street. Too concretey. Wound up climbing for a mile up Oakland St before turning around. Felt fine, but I need to get some soft stuff.
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Monday, July 16, 2012 (30 minutes)
very easy around the neighborhood near Matt's place. I couldn't find much grass, so I was hyper-sensitive about my footstrike on the asphalt. Katherine's recent story about the trainer/therapist convincing her to stop heel-striking was weighing on my mind as well. Ideally, I would like to be blissfully ignorant of such considerations as form and let them sort themselves out. I was also sore from yesterday's mountain excursion at Chantry, which I blame on Megumi, who I think didn't get the message about the goal being to run 30 minutes. Regardless, it's nice to have run consecutively a few days. I may take tomorrow off.
The other day I made a bet with Matt that I can run a 5000 PR in the next year, on the track, in an official race. If I do, he'll visit me in Baltimore and if I don't I'll visit him here. This is basically win-win, since I would be happy to visit anyway, but perhaps it will be motivating to remember the way his lard-filled butt jiggled as he sniggered at my foolishness in making the offer.
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