No run. Ran in the rain yesterday and opened up a sore on the back of my achilles tendon.
12/25 - 12/26 No run. Same reason.
75 minutes on a hotel treadmill. Visiting my sister's family, including new nephew, in North Carolina. Dad's photos
He spelled Bryon's name wrong many times, but later fixed it.
55 minutes on the roads. Had to waddle it in at the end due to severe gastric distress.
70 minutes.
no run. legs sore from being on the roads so much, and being out of shape.
Learned that Google keeps track of your search history. Actually, I thought I might have heard this somewhere, but it didn't sink in. Here are the sites I visit most frequently, all time:
Top sites
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Oh, running.caltech.edu, why did you have to go? And why is our current web-running-community foundering, too?
You are correct that our online community is slowly falling apart. I guess we're all just busy. Also, the pro action that would sometimes give us new and exciting things to talk about is sort of dead right now.
although, the sciac gossip should start up again soon with track.
i guess there's nothing controversial going on, and people seem to be either partially injured or not excited about off season training... *sigh*
i think also the current blogsite didn't really get publicized or somehow otherwise didn't get picked up by any of the current and new team members, so there's not that many of us anymore.
finally, running on the east coast during winter really, really, sucks.
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