I didn't run much. Actually, I think I ran just two or three times. I'm hoping that this will be enough rest that when I start back into training, my legs will feel refreshed. I'll know soon enough.
Weekly Summary: 10/13/08 - 10/19/08
I felt consistently awful all week. I'm not sure why. My diet/sleep haven't been optimal, but also not significantly worse than normal. I'm biking to work each day, but nothing extreme. I just feel lousy and dead in my legs on a consistent basis, without the other normal indications of overtraining, and without actually doing any overtraining. So I'm just going to try to keep it easy, get my rest, eat healthily, and wait it out a couple more weeks before going over-analyzing anything.
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Saturday, October 11, 2008 (5xarroyo tempo)
It smelled like Fall today. Finally cool, and a bit breezy. Cold enough to make bed really comfortable. Not yet cold enough to see your breath.
I met the team in the arroyo for a tempo. I hopped in the first lap 400m in, so didn't time it. I ran three laps with Dennis partway and Travis the rest of the way, then hit two more laps on my own.
Of the last four laps which I timed, I ran
9:17, 8:55, 9:30, 8:45
I slowed down to the 9:30 because I wanted the last lap to be fast. My two other workouts this week ended with me just trying to hang on, and so I wanted the boost of having at least one workout where I finish fast but in control - the way you should feel when you're fit. It worked out fine, since I averaged about 9:07 over those four laps. Which isn't flying fast, but it's not bad.
In the afternoon Will, Kangway and I (and Matt, some) hiked Mt. Lowe up to the remains of an old fancy hotel up there, and then came back down for some well-deserved egg pizza.
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Friday, October 10, 2008 (60 minutes, weights)
Decided to keep it easy after two consecutive workout days. When I came into the training room just before running, Garrett was still there (I get back to Tech 5:30 - 5:45), and didn't see me come in the back way. So I thought I would play that game where you grab someone from behind and say "guess who". But it didn't work, because it turns out Garrett sees out of his eyes, not his nipples.
Then I jogged for an hour and did some weights. I'm pretty bad at pullups, and it's not only a few short weeks until Halloween.
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Thursday, October 9, 2008 (4x2000 with Oxy)
Ian's been inviting me to come to workouts with Oxy for almost a year now. Every time, I wind up finding some stupid reason not to show - that I'm busy, or sick, or injured, or don't feel like getting owned by a freshman, or something. I was about to skip out again today because it would be two workout days in a row, but I'm trying to get over the attitude of constantly finding reasons to avoid doing some hard work.
It turned out not to be a vicious workout today, which is good. We did 4x2000 on the grass near the Rose Bowl. I ran with the first group of guys, but fell back on the last one with dead legs. I was impressed how disciplined the team was. Some of those guys are in great shape, and hearing stories of how fast their hard workouts are, it was clear to me they could have been busting out very fast repeats if they wanted to. But instead they ran steadily at the pace Rob prescribed for them - content just to do their tempo work at a reasonable pace today and run hard when it came time for a hard workout.
So I met a few of the guys and got in a fine workout (despite trailing off at the end).
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Wednesday, October 8, 2008 (2000, 1000, 500 x 2)
First, Ryan brings word that DeMar and Reed both ran 1:11 for a half marathon! Awesome running from those guys.
I didn't run yesterday, which made me feel particularly like a jackass since I specifically turned Ian down on a morning run so I could workout in the afternoon. Then I just learned math instead. Dammit.
Today I got to the track around 6PM for 2000, 1000, 500 x2.
My goal was to mix up the paces, and hit several different gears that I haven't been hitting recently. I was running "with time, but not for time", in that I was timing myself, but not trying to hit a prespecified pace.
I also took long rests so I could keep the pace at least reasonable. I did about
2000 6:36 (79)
1000 3:08 (75)
2000 6:30 (78)
Some of them I didn't time. I felt unfit. I didn't recover as well during my breaks as I did last track season. I didn't run as fast, either, but that's fine.
I simply need more consistency and workouts. But getting out there today and finally putting in some good work is a step in the right direction.
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Monday, October 6, 2008 (95 minutes)
Very solid long run in the heat. With about ten minutes left, the blonde Romero came pounding past in lane one, so I jumped in for about 2200m of tempo with him right at the end of the run. His summary was, "I've got all this fluid in my stomach, so I don't feel like running hard. But I'm gonna."
Quick conversation with Dennis:
Me: How are your classes?
De: Okay.
Me: Mine are better than sex!
De: Wait, really?
Me: Yeah. I just don't like sex that much.
Ha! Double kidding!! I LOVE SEX!!!
My classes are pretty good too, though.
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Weekly Summary: 9/29/08 - 10/5/08
I was just trying to get my groove back after some injury and sickness. I now seem to be perfectly healthy, so it's time for some real training.
Plan for next week:
Mon: long, core
Tu: mixed-speed faster stuff, on the track. maybe some weights
Wed: easy
Thu: longish, core
Fri: easy
Sat: tempo
Sun: NFTC, weights
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Friday, October 3 - Sunday, October 5, 2008
Fri: 60 minutes at night on the south field
Sat: 90 minutes on the south field at night. Felt good to at least get a real solid run in after a week or two of nothing significant
Sun: 45 minutes chilling with Ian on the North Field.
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Thursday, October 2, 2008 (15 minutes tempo)
Went to Lacy with the men's team for a 15 minute tempo. Even though I consciously regulated my pace to a reasonable level, I wound up tired and strained by the end. I felt like I was running as fast as I should for a 45-minute or even 1-hour steady state, but was breathing too hard feeling too tired.
Bottom line is I'm not as fit as I ought to be, and the reason is I haven't been hitting consistent workouts.
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Wednesday, October 1, 2008 (60 minutes)
Ran late on the North Field, meaning Val again asked me if I'm doing another 10,000. I told him I never understood that stuff about orders of magnitude. Then I did fifty billion laps.
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