Tuesday, December 30, 2008 (20 am, 70 pm)

Somehow I got my ass out of bed at 6:30 AM without having made prior plans with a horde of other runners as motivation. Then I got passed by a chick on my shakeout jog.

Getting up early led to me being exceedingly tired at work all day. But then I realized - it doesn't matter how tired I am at work because it actually requires zero cognitive functioning. If Art asks me a question, I can just say, "I dunno," and after I do that five or six times he stops asking. Then I can just type emails and read mindlessly in zombie mode. Not that this is an especially good thing, but it's possible, anyway.

I forgot my watch in the evening, and based my time off the clock on the wall of the gym (which was closed at 6pm - since when is December 30 a holiday?). I didn't even check how long I'd been going until a bit past 70 minutes, so I wound up getting in a good solid evening run, feeling great.

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