Friday and Saturday, April 10, 11 2009

Friday: 30 minutes jogging in the morning

Sat: 90 minutes in the hills behind Whittier. When I got on top the second hill, I could see out over the next valley. By thrusting my arms out before me, it was as if I held the entire world in my hands. And then I took it and squeezed, crushing that depraved world in disdain. But an epiphany! I realized then that no, I hadn't crushed the world. In fact, I had never been truly holding it - it was mere illusion, or delusion, resulting from the way I had been concentrating so hard I had one eye closed, and therefore lacked the depth perception to recognize that the houses and streets and things were way, way further away than my palms, and were not super-dooper tiny. Damn. Bad for me, good for the thousands of miniature people whose livelihoods were narrowly spared obliteration in my unrelenting grasp.

Then I tacked on an extra 30 with Matt and John M., mostly because I was invited and wanted to seem cool.

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