I forgot to bring a watch or even to check the time before I began running, so I don't know precisely how long I ran. I ran barefoot laps on the south field until I began to feel my feet getting significantly chewed up.
The north field will be closed for another week, so I may have to start going to Lacy instead.
I did a little lifting afterwards, but nothing very significant.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010 (one hour)
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Aug 10 - 13
Tu: 40 easy with Matt
Wed: 45 easy with Kway
Thu: off
Fri: 75 easy around Lacy
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Monday, August 9, 2010 (45 minutes)
Barefoot on the north field. The patch of invisible pointy sticky things in the southeast corner seems to be gone, so that's good. My foot felt good, and I felt good in general except that I had to dodge the softball players.
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1500m: 4:23
Last Thursday I went to the Los Gatos All-Comers with JR and entered the 1500.
I haven't been running much, but I figured I could do a 5-minute mile without killing myself. My legs felt really empty right before we started, but I guess they always feel like that before a race. Once they fired the gun I just ran a normal race, abandoning plans to hold back.
70, 69, 71, 53 = 4:23
Being out of shape, what I found was that when I got to half way, I felt like I should feel if I'm going to run a significant negative split. At around 800m I was 20m back of the leaders, and they announced over the loudspeaker that the winner of the race would get a free pair of Mizuno shoes. For a second I thought I could actually bust out a big finish and win. But being out of shape, when I went to dig and go faster, I found my legs wouldn't respond. I could just barely hold pace. I was 6th or so.
I felt really pumped afterward. My lungs were burning for a good ten minutes, though. Also, I wore new DS trainers for the race, and I think the unbroken-in shoes bothered my foot some. It doesn't feel really bad now, but it feels like it's regressed some. I think this would have happened without the race because I noticed the different feeling in my foot before racing. I'll wear the shoes around walking for a while to break them in while still running in the old pair.
I took the next couple of days off to rest my foot.
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Monday, August 2, 2010 (60 minutes)
First hour+ run since a long time! My legs were actually feeling pretty empty, but I think it's because I'm tired of cafeteria food and ate salad and bread all day.
New DS Trainers finally arrived in the mail today. I think I'll take tomorrow off before taking them for a spin.
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Sunday, August 1, 2010 (70 minutes)
Very easy group run at a sports store in Sunnyvale. Shelley seemed to enjoy the group run, so hopefully she'll go back and have people to run with regularly. It was too much asphalt for me. They said we were running 1.5 miles to a trail, but the trail was an asphalt bike path with no dirt shoulder. I did 8 total with a Darcy, who had run for Santa Clara as an undergrad.
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Saturday, July 31, 2010 (50 minutes)
Nice easy run, still dodging the cars parked on the wood chip trail for the tennis match. When will people learn that tennis is an extremely boring sport that should only be played on a Wii?
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