I didn't do a tempo this week, which in retrospect I could easily have done. The bee sting on Saturday really pissed me off. On the other hand, I think this is the first week with six days of running, so that's a good sign.
For next week the goal is to hit a 4-lap arroyo tempo at some point, and increase total running a bit. Also avoid getting stung by a bee.
Weekly Summary: September 27 - October 3, 2010 (365 minutes)
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Sunday, October 3, 2010 (90 minutes)
Biked down California to start a long run in the arroyo. Around the far side of the arroyo, up to JPL, and back. Nice run, but felt a little sore on the ball of my left foot.
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Fri - Sat
Friday: 60 easy, with 6 relaxed strides
Sat: 15 minutes. Stung by a bee on the North Field. This is maybe the eighth or so time I've been stung on the fields in the last couple of years. It seems like there's nowhere that's safe. I've been stung in Lacy and on the North and South fields, multiple times each. This has me pretty upset. It seems like the bees are only active during the day, and go into remission at night, so I can just try to avoid running at day time. The other options are to wear shoes, or to ask Caltech to remove the clover from the fields (seems unlikely).
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Mon - Thu
Mon: 70
Tu: 60
Wed: off
Thu: 70
Nice progression run today - the sort where you don't even realize it's become a progression run until you've already done a good amount of progressing. Finished it up with four strides. I've definitely lost some speed, but I didn't want to jump in with a bunch of striders right away. They felt nice. Good vibes in general today.
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