Took it easy on the baseball field. Hot and muggy, as if I were back on the east coast.
Friday 8/30/12 (40 minutes)
40 minutes on the practice field. Half way through I got a pain in my right ankle, on the inside of the ball, but it went away pretty quickly and I finished the run. Early on my legs felt really peppy and I held back a bit. By the end I was ready to be done.
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Thursday, 8/29/12 (30 minutes)
First day running in a bit after having Achilles problems, so I took it pretty easy around the baseball field. Felt good.
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Wednesday, August 22, 2012 (off)
I'm back from Colorado, where I ran about 10 miles most days on the trails.
Unfortunately, my achilles is sore today. This happened suddenly last night while I was simply walking around. I'll take today off and remember to do the eccentric achilles exercise.
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Utah/Colorado trip update
Last weekend I flew out to Salt Lake City to hang out with Will and Ruby and to form Will's support crew for the Trans-Rockies Run. It's been a blast.
On Saturday or Sunday, I forget which, we ran a 15k on some trails near Will's place. I missed the start and had to crap behind a bush, so this race didn't go too well. I felt the altitude pretty strongly as well (six or seven thousand feet, I think).
Then we did the eight-hour drive up to Colorado, where I've been running with The Backcountry Goats (Will works for, and their emblem is a goat). We did a shakeout on Monday, then today was the first day of the race. I drove the car from the start to the finish, then doubled back about four miles to finish with Will and Peter. Then I doubled back again for the girls team and wound up doing about 11 miles total on the day.
Altitude is tough - I can't really run fast at all up here. Still, I apparently ran better than 7-minute pace today on my way out to meet up with the Goats, assuming the course measurements are to be trusted.
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Thursday, August 9, 2012 (15 minutes)
My hamstrings are pretty sore today. The race on Sunday probably started things off, but a 90-minute yoga session on Tuesday is what I conjecture really did them in. I jogged easily for 15 minutes in hopes some blood flow would coax them to better health by the weekend.
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Wednesday, August 8, 2012 (45 minutes)
Took it easy, since I went pretty fast yesterday. My right knee had very mild soreness.
Trey Hardee on the decathlon: "No one is healthy. I've been injured since 2003." Or something roughly like that.
I'm also spending too much time in the sun.
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Tuesday, August 7, 2012 (45 minutes)
Felt great, with a passage that was long enough, fast enough, and felt good enough to let me know I'm in fine shape for the time being, and the race in the park wasn't indicative of too much. Barefoot on Stanford fields.
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Short reflection on yesterday's race
I can name a lot of mitigating factors to yesterday's race - the cold, getting there late and not warming up, the immediate hills and mud, etc. Basically, though, I'm just not very fit and don't know how to race with this body.
I think I'll try to go to a track once a week, except not next week since I'll be in the Colorado wilderness, and do a little timed work just to see how it feels at various paces. I don't really have a sense of that now.
I was sore in my hamstrings today, so I took the day off.
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Sunday, August 5, 2012 (5k in 20:20 or so)
I ran a 5k cross country race in the Presidio. It was muddy and hilly, and I didn't feel fit at all. I pretty much just jogged through to third place.
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Friday, August 3, 2012 (45 minutes)
I forgot my phone and still haven't succeeded in buying a watch after two attempts (on the first, I locked myself out of Cameron's apartment with my wallet still inside. In the second, I discovered that nowhere I thought I could buy a cheap watch actually had such an implement. I honestly have no idea what stores have what things except for Amazon and Target/Walmart, which have all the things.)
Instead I just ran six laps in each direction on the athletic fields. This seemed fine. It was hot and I didn't feel very energetic.
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Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (0, 60, 45 minutes)
Tuesday I let things run late until I just didn't run at all.
Wednesday I was feeling a little guilty about that, and did one hour. My legs felt good and there were some fast sections. Afterwards, I felt a little strain in my right achilles and left arch.
Thursday I did 45 minutes fairly easy in the grove. Felt good, but a little tired.
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