Recent Frustrations

It's strange that, so many times in the past, I've chastised other runners for returning to running when they know they shouldn't, and consequentlyy reinjuring themselves, while at the same time I hadn't even realized that I've been doing precisely that all summer.

I was completely aware that each time I ran, especially if it was a little faster or longer than normal, my hamstring would be aggravated the next day. But I thought that I might simply run through it. Now, when I spend a few minutes on the internet, I learn that every single resource available says not to train through a hamstring strain. It simply won't recover that way.

So, starting now, I'm going to take a month without running, even if feel fine before then. I also need to get a foam roller and do a little more core than I have been.

I biked to work for the first time today. It involves a climb which I think is roughly equivalent to Chantry, but then I come down on the other side to get in to work, meaning to bike both ways I have to do it twice. It's about 1200ft of climbing/descending and a 7 mile ride total. It took me about 50 minutes today, but that including stopping to navigate a few times. On the other hand, it only takes $2 to ride the BART.