12/10/07 - 12/16/07 Fuck You, Bones!

Who cares if my bones are broken? Fuck that shit. I'm running anyway.

Monday (1:53)

One minute and fifty-three seconds of running, before I was kicked off the North Field. The South Field was also closed, and I didn't have time to go in search of new grass. Still, this represented a significant improve on my recent running mileage.

Tuesday (60 minutes)

Ran in Lacy, where all the moms explained to their little kid why the man was running. I felt great considering I'm out of shape.

Wednesday (EPIC)
Beer Mile 5:56!!!!!

Thursday (65 minutes)
Easy run on the Eichenlaub Grassy Special, which I haven't used much recently. Ran past Garrett on the way back. I realized that Ian runs my route more frequently than I do, and I run Ian's Arroyo Tempo Loop more frequently than he does. Ah, the absurdities of life.

Friday ( 65 minutes)
Repeat of Thurs.

Saturday (60 minutes)
SFTC w/ Kangway, who told me how atrophied I am. Thanks dude.

Sunday (no run)


kangway said...

I hope that broken aren't isn't going to keep you from doing your achilles strengthening.

Markkimarkkonnen said...

i'm doing them, don't worry your pretty little self about that

Garrett said...

Mark we should definitely have some sort of Maryland is no fun for running compared to Pasadena reunion. Also gj on the beer mile.

Markkimarkkonnen said...

yeah any time dude. you come to me though. i got no wheels. my parents do, but they don't think i'm big enough to see over the steering wheel yet.