Monday, July 16, 2012 (30 minutes)

very easy around the neighborhood near Matt's place. I couldn't find much grass, so I was hyper-sensitive about my footstrike on the asphalt. Katherine's recent story  about the trainer/therapist convincing her to stop heel-striking was weighing on my mind as well. Ideally, I would like to be blissfully ignorant of such considerations as form and let them sort themselves out. I was also sore from yesterday's mountain excursion at Chantry, which I blame on Megumi, who I think didn't get the message about the goal being to run 30 minutes. Regardless, it's nice to have run consecutively a few days. I may take tomorrow off.

The other day I made a bet with Matt that I can run a 5000 PR in the next year, on the track, in an official race. If I do, he'll visit me in Baltimore and if I don't I'll visit him here. This is basically win-win, since I would be happy to visit anyway, but perhaps it will be motivating to remember the way his lard-filled butt jiggled as he sniggered at my foolishness in making the offer.

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