Thursday, September 24, 2009 (about eight minutes)

I and a couple other people were trying to go from point A to point B. We had come from different places (points C and D) by different methods - I by bike and they by car. So we planned to follow the same route from A to B but simply to go in our respective conveyances. I had never been to B, but got instructions about its location relative to A (and the north pole).

But, when I got to B, it wasn't B. B was B', which was in approximately the place and was approximately the sort of establishment I was expecting, but had a different name and none of my friends in it. I decided B was further down road E, but then road E ended. On top of this, I got a flat tire, and confusedly walked my bike all over town looking for point B (and passing, in a rather convoluted series, through points F, U, C, K, T, H, I, and S).

Note that point C is actually (as was mentioned before) one of our origins. Specifically mine - where I live. That's where my cell phone was. If I had taken it with me to begin with, I'd have used it to navigate from points A to B directly.

So I finally knew where point B was, but it was late enough that I was worried the people would leave by the time I got there. (There would still be people there, but not the particular ones I wanted to see. That's maybe a cruelly dismissive attitude towards everyone who would have been there, but I just tell it the way it is.) So I walked a short way from C towards B before deciding to run the rest. The people I wanted to see were still there and I was suitably sweaty upon arrival.

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