Thursday, December 3, 2009 (6400m tempo 22:53)

I was on my own, since everyone else in the club started well before the advertised 6pm start time. There were some guys going significantly faster than me and some going significantly slower, so it probably didn't matter.

I tried to keep myself controlled for this tempo, but even at a very moderate pace, that felt almost like a dawdle at times, I wound up exerting myself pretty fully. My heart rate was somewhere around 190, and I felt pretty tired just running in the low 5:40's. Still, I kept the pace pretty steady (fastest 5:41 first mile, slowest 5:45 second mile) and stayed focused, so the speed will have to come back with time.

If I do another tempo next week, I'll make it a little slower and longer to try to stay below threshold, which I probably crossed today.

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