Friday, April 23, 2010 (1 X Bolota Asmerom)

I got a call from Ogliore claiming there was a quality track meet going on 400m from my apartment. Turns out he was right. I went to the track the way I usually do, through the gym. It turned out this was the athletes' area, so I jogged through it trying to look like a track star and fortunately no one asked any questions. Ryan and I proceeded to mock all the fast people for a good while.

Afterward I went for a jog on the baseball field. Even though my foot felt good in Pasadena, it felt bad again tonight. Actually the area of pain increased, so I may have to go see someone. On the plus side, after I ran two laps Bolota Asmerom walked out. I ran past, looked back, stopped, and said, brilliantly, "Are you Bolota?" (I have no idea whether I pronounced it correctly.) He chatted with me for a few minutes as I helped him set up some hurdles to do drills. He personally recommended the Vibram shoes to me. Then I ran a couple more laps and stopped because my body hates me.

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