Sunday, April 10, 2011 (35 minutes)

I am still a little worried about the pad on my left foot. It seemed to be pretty much improved earlier this year, but regular running is taking a little toll on it. It's not really bothering me per se, but I do feel like I need to continue to monitor it.

I did 35 minutes on the south field, then a little core/gym work. After thinking there lots of hot chicks running around at the meet the other day, I looked out the gym window this afternoon and the women's water polo team was taking their team photo, and it seemed to be fully of hotties, too. So maybe it's not track. Maybe I'm become increasingly horny due to recent low internet connectivity.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I left the gym right before you arrived. I figured that you'd be there after work, so I waited around for a little bit, but then I got bored and left. I did manage to see the men's water polo team, though, so I suppose things worked out for the both of us, eh? Wait a minute, I'm straight. Never mind.