Nov 16 - 19

I hurt my back by coughing. I was sitting in a chair yesterday (actually a novelty - my room doesn't have a chair), and slouching a bit. Then I coughed since the vestiges of this sniffles disease are taking a while to go away. And as I coughed, a muscle in my lower back seized up, apparently with a light strain. It continues to hurt now, the next afternoon.

This was probably brought on by Tuesday, when I biked to Stanford and back. That was more than six hours on the bike, which I'm not used to, and my lower back ached from it. I guess in my weakened state, a cough was enough to send me over the edge.

I haven't run much this week because Monday I was recovering from sickness, Tuesday biked to Stanford and bike, Wednesday still recovering, and yesterday I did 60 minutes. I might have to take off today, too due to this back thing. I'm supposed to go back to Stanford on Saturday as well, but I might have to take public transit given that my body has decided to hate me.

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