Health Problems Continue

My infected arm was supposed to be better by now, but it wasn't. When I took a shower last night I noticed there was a large red patch of organic stuff, apparently created by my (slightly confused about what it should be doing) body pushing its way up out of the wound.

So I went back to the health center and saw a different doctor (the first one wasn't in). She rubbed a new kind of gunk on it and told me to come back on Thursday. But in the meantime, I'm not supposed to remove the bandage, which also isn't supposed to get wet.

It's so hot out I'm sweating just sitting here inside. Given that when I run in the heat, little beads of sweat literally fly off the ends of my fingers as I go, if I went running right now I'd mess that bandage up and have to put band-aids on it until Thursday. Then I'd get berated by the doctor when I came in again.

So I'm still not running.

1 comment:

kangway said...

Is that stuff like Silver Sulfate? Or something weird and white like that?