April 14-22

My computer finally came back from the shop today. Technically, they shouldn't even have repaired it, since I decidedly caused the malfunction by pouring water all over the keyboard. (Don't ask me why, okay? I was just curious.) But when I called tech support, as I just kept saying, "I don't know, man, it just, like, won't turn on or something. There's this one little light thingy here, what should I do about that?" And, since I spilled water, not pomegranate juice, there was no real way to distinguish the damage from a genuine part failure.

So, in the time span since the last update, I've forgotten what I did, exactly. I'll work backwards and see how much that jogs my memory.

Wed April 22 (2x3200m tempo, 10:52, 10:32)
Original goal was 2x3200 in 11:00, 10:40. When I got to the track, the heat, along with a long day yesterday and a mediocre workout earlier this week, got me rethinking and aiming for 11:00, 11:00. I thought it was better to shoot a little low, especially now that I'm just resuming workouts and building up some fitness.
I hit the first lap in 79 and the first mile in 5:23, and so decided to consciously slow down, since I had another repeat to go. I ran the second mile in 5:28, feeling pretty relaxed, for 10:52. The nice thing was that two miles felt short, and the one lap recovery jog was luxurious.

I went out too fast on the second one, doing about a 78 on the first lap, then coming through one mile in 5:17. Briefly, I thought I should slow down to run the originally-intended pace. But then it occurred to me, "what the fuck is wrong with you?" I felt fine, and was half way through already. I might as well finish the run up strongly. The final mile was the toughest, but not absolutely brutal. I hit 5:15 for a 10:32 3200.

Nice workout. It felt disciplined. I was choppy at times, but always got my composure back and stayed focused. AM swim/aquajog with Julie

Tuesday April 21
100 minutes on the infield, a bit with Kangway. Kept the pace easy, but still wound up pretty beat by the end of it all. AM swim/aquajog with Julie.

Monday April 20
30 am, 70 pm

Sunday April 19 (4xarroyo tempo)
Planned on an arroyo tempo in which I didn't worry about the times I was running. I hit laps of 9:28 || 9:10 || 9:22 || 9:43, or something like that. I felt pretty bad, really. I never got into any sort of the rhythm, and the second lap was already uncomfortable. I got a cramp on the last one and had to work hard just to finish it off. Not a bit psychological booster, but nonetheless I was glad to get out on the trail and put some sort of work in, anyway. It was also very hot out that day, which may have contributed to the general cruddiness. PM 30 min jog NFTC.

Saturday April 18
Don't recall. Shit, I don't have any idea at all what I did this day. There was no meet. I must have just masturbated a whole lot.

Friday April 17
I really should have updated closer to the fact. Probably I was just running some minutes, but I don't know quite what.

Thursday April 16
Same as Friday

Wednesday April 15
Same as Thursday. Basically, I know I ran twice most of these days, and when I didn't run twice I ran at least 90 minutes. So there's a good chunk of volume in here, and no workouts.

Tuesday April 14
Same as Wednesday.

My guess is that for the week of 4/13/09 - 4/19/09 I wound up with a 550 or 600 minutes, and one really nice workout (8000m tempo in 27:38 on Monday) and one workout that I just barely got through (4xarroyo tempo on Sunday).


Ian said...

Remember, if at some future time you ever find yourself lost in the forest, or are otherwise left without a functional computer for a significant period, it's possible to construct a rudimentary substitute recording device using only the materials around you (MacGyver-style). Said device can take the form of a 'piece of paper,' or in more general terms a 'surface upon which to inscribe symbolic sequences representative of daily training.'

Write shit down, that way you won't forget what you did.

Dennis said...

Saturday was when we went bowling with Kiesz, right? I think you declared that you were going to run for at least 60 minutes before heading out the door and making us starve while we waited for you.

Or maybe you just sat down on a bench in the park and masturbated a lot.