Sat, Sun

Saturday: 110 minutes. I went from the apartment to the arroyo and started up the trail. I had no particular goal, but after a while I decided that JPL was a good place to go. I had run JPL not too long before. But last time I rode my bike down California and back. Also, I started at 6:30 and it got dark before I even got past the dam after turning around. I had a difficult time navigating the trail by the golf course. There was some big event at the Rose Bowl, so there was mostly good artificial lighting all the way back to the tempo loop.

All told it was a long run. I felt fine metabolically, but I could feel some strain in my knees and feet. There were no real ill-effects the next day, though, so I suppose I got away with it.

Sunday: 60 minutes. North field in the evening. Felt good. Last half with Dennis, and we picked up the pace a few times.

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