Weekly Summary: September 20 - 26, 2010 (330 min, one tempo)

I took two days off again. I'd like to establish a pattern of waking up early to run, since working in he afternoon precludes that as a regular time. The options are to run after work or early, since it's way too hot right now to run during the day. The bad news is I slept from about 8am to 3pm today, then ran at 8pm. Maybe I'll just stay up all day and try to get on a normal schedule starting tomorrow.

In the broader picture, I have to realize that although I magically popped back into semi-decent shape after my long layoff for most of 2010, even running irregularly, I won't magically pop back into 15:30 shape, even by running regularly. That will take lots of patience and work. I'm willing to do it, though. So the goal for next week is 400 minutes and another tempo, hopefully a bit smoother than the one this week.

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