Thu, Fri, Sat September 2 - 4, 2010

Thursday: 60 minutes. I jogged to the gym and ran shod on the south field. I felt a little soreness in my knees, which is actually something I remember happening regularly when I ran in shoes on grass. I'm still looking for a good solution to the shoes/no shoes grass/dirt/roads problem. The North Field should open up again soon, so that might help.

Fri: Off

Sat: Alumni Meet. 27:07 for 3 Ian Tempo Loops (9:00, 9:00, 9:07)
I started feeling tired on the last one, but was okay to get through it. I've got a lot of work to do, but at least I'm in good enough shape to run workouts if I choose. Unfortunately this time put me more than a minute ahead of everyone on the team. Alums were me, Matt, Steve, Goose, Masha, which is a decent turnout but not enough to have an actual alumni team. About 7 miles total including warmup and cooldown.

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