Monday, October 6, 2008 (95 minutes)

Very solid long run in the heat. With about ten minutes left, the blonde Romero came pounding past in lane one, so I jumped in for about 2200m of tempo with him right at the end of the run. His summary was, "I've got all this fluid in my stomach, so I don't feel like running hard. But I'm gonna."

Quick conversation with Dennis:
Me: How are your classes?
De: Okay.
Me: Mine are better than sex!
De: Wait, really?
Me: Yeah. I just don't like sex that much.

Ha! Double kidding!! I LOVE SEX!!!
My classes are pretty good too, though.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

SCIAC alum update!
Demar & Reed 1:11 at SJ R&R.