Wednesday, October 8, 2008 (2000, 1000, 500 x 2)

First, Ryan brings word that DeMar and Reed both ran 1:11 for a half marathon! Awesome running from those guys.

I didn't run yesterday, which made me feel particularly like a jackass since I specifically turned Ian down on a morning run so I could workout in the afternoon. Then I just learned math instead. Dammit.

Today I got to the track around 6PM for 2000, 1000, 500 x2.
My goal was to mix up the paces, and hit several different gears that I haven't been hitting recently. I was running "with time, but not for time", in that I was timing myself, but not trying to hit a prespecified pace.

I also took long rests so I could keep the pace at least reasonable. I did about
2000 6:36 (79)
1000 3:08 (75)
2000 6:30 (78)

Some of them I didn't time. I felt unfit. I didn't recover as well during my breaks as I did last track season. I didn't run as fast, either, but that's fine.

I simply need more consistency and workouts. But getting out there today and finally putting in some good work is a step in the right direction.

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