Saturday, October 11, 2008 (5xarroyo tempo)

It smelled like Fall today. Finally cool, and a bit breezy. Cold enough to make bed really comfortable. Not yet cold enough to see your breath.

I met the team in the arroyo for a tempo. I hopped in the first lap 400m in, so didn't time it. I ran three laps with Dennis partway and Travis the rest of the way, then hit two more laps on my own.

Of the last four laps which I timed, I ran
9:17, 8:55, 9:30, 8:45

I slowed down to the 9:30 because I wanted the last lap to be fast. My two other workouts this week ended with me just trying to hang on, and so I wanted the boost of having at least one workout where I finish fast but in control - the way you should feel when you're fit. It worked out fine, since I averaged about 9:07 over those four laps. Which isn't flying fast, but it's not bad.

In the afternoon Will, Kangway and I (and Matt, some) hiked Mt. Lowe up to the remains of an old fancy hotel up there, and then came back down for some well-deserved egg pizza.

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