Monday, February 16, 2009 (40 am, 60 pm)

Apologies for the gap, but no further explanation.  Nothing much interesting to say, really.

In the morning, I went against my better judgment by running straight from the house, meaning I was on the roads a lot.  I didn't feel like biking back and forth to the fields in the cold rain.  I also decided to take some roads I'd never used before, found out they dead ended, and wound up cold and running longer than I expected in the rain.  It was actually pretty nice.

In the evening I hit up a solid hour with Ian, learning the course-grained outline of an enticing (but perhaps somewhat fanciful without extensive biology wet lab experience) research proposal.  Got me interested in the details of information theory applied to time series of inherently-noisy phenomena.  But must not start reading about such things.  Graduate instead!

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