Tuesday, February 25, 2009 (30 am, 50 pm)

Morning run was pretty lethargic, but I felt fine in the afternoon, when I ran with Kangway for the first time in while. I also jumped in on the distance runners' bonus laps. Anton and Chief both ran 57/58, which is insane. I only ran the second half, based on where I was on the track when they came around. I don't think Matt and I ever ran that fast on the bonus, so I expect 3:54 and 15:28 out of them this year. (Well, not exactly, but I wouldn't be surprised if they both ran big PR's. I think Anton and Chief are both ready for breakthrough of varying magnitudes.) Then Perrin clicked off a 70 for her bonus. It certainly didn't feel like 3000 pace. Also, if she can run a 70 on the bonus, shouldn't she be around 2:30 for the 800 (or better)? I could barely crack 800 pace on those things.

In other news, Reed, Matt, and I are entered for the DMR at Rossi this weekend, although I haven't heard yet whether we actually have someone to run the 400m leg.
1200: Me
400: ??
800: Matt
1600: Reed

But there are ongoing negotiations to change "??" into "Ryan Martin".

1 comment:

Dennis said...

Wow, my 400m PR is 58-something (from Interhouse last year). They were smokin'...