Monday February 18 (steady state)

I got started a little after 5, which precluded use of the arroyo. For safety/lack of creativity I went to the track.
16,000m tempo, splitting the 8K halves at 28:20, 27:31 = 55:51 (5:36/mile)
I felt pretty good, although the track wasn't my ideal venue. I was going almost exactly twice as fast as some lady in a red sweater out in line five. After the sun went down there was really nothing to look at, even my watch, since after 30 minutes is starts displaying seconds up in the corner in tiny numerals too small to distinguish easily while running.
I might have pushed a little too hard on this run, but I think the level was probably appropriate.

Next week I should get back on the trail, though.


kangway said...

One of these days your ab workout should be plank. In fact it can be plank day. Do regular planks, side planks, side planks with leg lifts, ian's alternating arm/leg planks, knees to elbows planks.

You probably don't need to repeat sets, but also just to be safe make sure you get your muscles nice and loose in between sets and aftewards, cause all that isometric work can tighten you up in the weirdest ways.

Ian said...

Your steady state tempo workouts make me really want to be in shape again.