Wednesday February 27 (long)

Here's something I love about being at Caltech. I was doing my long run on the infield, and Elette was adjusting the height of the high jump. She had the bungee stretched across instead of the bar, and when she moved the supports higher, the bungee started vibrating.

As I ran by, I pointed and excitedly told her, "Elette, you excited the fifth harmonic!"
Just about anywhere else, I'd expect a groan or a smart response, but instead she actually said, "Wait, did I?" and then bent over for a closer look, presumably to count the nodes. Awesome.

The workout was just 100 minutes with a brief stop for bathroom. At the end Scott tossed me one of his seemingly inexhaustible supply of (expired) Odwalla bars, which I caught while still running, tore open and devoured within a lap. I was just at the point where I would have considered stopping (I left my watch at home and was estimating running time by the clock on the gym wall) but I decided to go an extra couple of laps, just to give my body the chance to practice beginning digestion while still running. You know, in case I ever have to run away from a pack of bloodthirsty wolves for a really long time, and also they happen to be chasing me through an Odwalla Tree grove (I know such things exist because it says right on the package that they are real food for humans (and I am a human (who is good at logic))).

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