Monday February 25 (steady state)

6xarroyo tempo.

On the fifth one, I saw a tall, balding runner bending over the drinking fountain just on the far side of the bridge by the casting pond. Once he started running again I thought I might recognize the stride, but I wasn't sure exactly what the face that goes with it was supposed to be.
I came up along side him a few moments later, looked over, and after we exchanged the typical runner's pleasantry of a man-nod, I asked, "You're not Pete Magill, are you?"

It turns out he was, in fact, Pete Magill (who does things like run 14:40 at age 45), and he chatted with me briefly before I continued on (he apologized for stopping my workout). He said he was running at Ben Brown and the Vanquisher Invite, but maybe not Oxy because he's too old to recover that quickly. Then informed me I was crazy to be attempting a 10K. Nice guy who I hope to run into some more at future meets.

Anyway, I also ran into a bunch of horses and people on the narrow sections of trails, so I didn't get all my times, but they went something like this:


Good run. I felt mildly uncomfortable, but completely disciplined. I had to run at 2:00 due to scheduling, and my stomach was a bit upset. I was cramping a bit before I started, but by lap three I felt better than lap one.


Kiesz said...

Sweet workout... pete magill really is a machine, isn't he? whats he running at Ben Brown?

Markkimarkkonnen said...

he's running 5000 there.

it looks like there is a trend for the guys who are the best masters runners to be guys who only started running seriously in their late thirties, perhaps after a decade-scale layoff. Magill is one example. Whether this is due to physiology of all those years of competitive running catching up to elites and therefore getting passed by the guys who spent their thirties lounging around, or whether it's due to psychology, that once you've run 13:20 trying to run 14:15 at age 40 is not so exciting any more, i don't know.

Markkimarkkonnen said...

wow that was a grammatical nightmare.