A Brief Google Survey

I watched a video today of a public lecture given by Frank Wilczek, who recently won a Nobel Prize for work on QCD.
What he said was, "physics is beautiful", while describing quantum mechanics, the standard model, etc. I've heard this many times. In fact, in studying relativity I've thought it myself. It's so ubiquitous a view that I sincerely doubt there are more than a few practicing theoretical physicists today who do not believe that fundamental physics is beautiful.
It makes sense, of course. If you're going to devote your life to something that involves, essentially, huge sacrifice (because it is difficult, takes years of training, and normally gives much less material reward than other possible career paths), you probably need a very strong reason to do that. One good strong reason would be that you think the subject of your life's work is the most painfully beautiful thing humans have ever witnessed.

But why do physicists say this so frequently? For one thing, painting is also beautiful. But I don't hear art critics going around saying that they study painting because it's beautiful. For another, I don't hear geologists proclaiming that geology is beautiful (although maybe I'm not listening as closely). I hear "geology is fun" or "geology is interesting", but not much about beauty or elegance. So a quick Google poll:

" ... is beautiful"
physics: 8,710
geology: 6
chemistry: 15,400
art: 171,000
poop: 5
nicole kidman: 6,590
life: 2,620,000
truth: 141,000
math: 16,300
my wife: 99,700
my husband: 21
scenery: 177,000
chemical engineering: 0
god: 206,000
you [are]: 2,080,000
frog: 25
blood: 35,600
running: 17
death: 81,500
sociology: 2
economics: 4
symmetry: 4,040
vagina: 5,510
pain: 61,500
we [are]: 1,210,000
this: 738,000
revenge: 9,920
graffiti: 3,450
moon: 84,200
nose: 44,100
carbon dioxide: 0
toaster: 8

Okay, maybe not so brief. And it turns out physics did not fair all that well. So maybe my perception that physicists spend an awful lot of time raving about how beautiful things are is attributable mostly to selection bias.

PS - just after posting this, I decided to do one more search. This time, instead of "physics is beautiful", I went for "the beauty of physics". That did it. I got 47,900 hits, up from 8,710. 16,700 for "the beauty of chemistry", which is barely an improvement over "chemistry is beautiful" (15,400). The Google probe is not too robust, it appears.

About .8% of web pages with "physics" also have "beautiful" on them.
For the web as a whole I get something like .06% (searching "the" gives 12 billion hits, and the AND beautiful 64 million)


Ian said...

I can't believe that 'frog' beats 'running'. And even more than that, I can't believe that 'running' goes only twice as well as 'toaster.'

Anyway, I'll be working 'running is beautiful' into more of my log entires...

Ian said...

Also, I think there are some errors in your measurements. "Toaster is beautiful" does indeed bring up 8 inane hits from people fawning pathetically over their new toasters.

But I searched for "frog is beautiful" and saw fully 8050 hits. "Running is beautiful" brought up 11,000.

Maybe you don't know how to use the internet. Have you thought about that?

Markkimarkkonnen said...

actually, i just repeated it, and still only got 17 for running

Markkimarkkonnen said...

doing it with yahoo gives 107

Ian said...

I think you don't know how to use the internet.

Good thing you can run so fast.

Markkimarkkonnen said...

what's that about runny farts?