Sunday, March 9, 2008 (SFTC)

Kickball claimed the north field before I did, so I migrated south. Kangway and I rocked the weight room by doing very little, really, but some bench, some pull ups, and some abs. I got in four sets of seven pull ups, which is pretty good for me. Also three sets of six with 115 on the bench. Body weight is coming soon.

My left calf especially was sore while running. But the various pieces (joints and tendons, etc.) seemed to be fitting together pretty well over all. I also only made one small snafu due to daylight savings time, getting a phone call from a student at 1:06 in the afternoon, informing me that it was actually 2:06 and I was late. But I made up for it by (poorly) explaining complementarity, since it was one of forty bullet points on a sheet of paper her physics teacher had handed her and requested she memorize.

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