Wednesday March 26 (easy)

75 minutes, late at night. My sleeping schedule has been awful recently. It's very easy for me to get off a regular schedule - just stay up late one night, for whatever reason. Then if I wake up at the normal time, I fall asleep during the day, can't get to sleep at the normal time that night, and the cycle continues. On the other hand, if I sleep in late, I still can't get to sleep at the normal time and sleep in late again the next day. I think the only way I've been able to maintain a normal schedule is when I have some sort of pressing daily function at 8 in the morning that I absolutely have to attend. I don't, so it always seems like a good idea to turn off the alarm and go back to sleep - at the time. But the problem is it makes scheduling my day difficult, and I end up doing things like sleeping from 11pm to 2:30 am and then going for a run from my apartment.

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