Saturday, March 15 (swim, Lower Quad meet)

Men and women both took second in the lower quad meet, but both were close. I didn't catch all that many times or marks, and the results aren't online yet. Also, I can't really tell by looking how well a sprinter is doing. The 4x100 did well. Seth and Alex had a beautiful hand off, after having struggled with it in practice.

The story of the meet for me was the women's 4x4, with the A team and B team battling it out all the way. Tencia hardly ever runs the 400, but gave herself away by holding even or slightly better than Bettina on the first leg for the B team. Then Stephanie was ahead of Sierra and stayed there, and Jenny held off Aria on the third leg. Perrin got the baton just a few strides ahead of Suzanna, who took off to catch her in the first hundred meters. She did, but was in obvious pain when the vicious wind that blew intermittently throughout the meet came roaring down the backstretch. Perrin caught back up with 200 to go and it was a battle all the way down the homestretch, until Suzanna pulled out the win in the last 30 or 40 meters.

I jogged a mile or so with Kiesz and Sachith before the 800, and swam for half an hour before the running events. Even though I haven't swam further than a lap this school year, I made it through without even getting unduly tired, so, go me.

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