Sunday, March 2 (7x1200 @ 10K)

Much nicer weather today, and consequently clearer focus. An extra day's rest in my legs, a long lazy afternoon before me, and I felt ready to give it a good hard effort on the track this morning.

I did a slightly longer warmup than last week, jogging about 15 minutes, doing a few drills, and a few easy strides, before heading into the workout. 7x1200, starting every 6:00 (2:15 rest), goal pace 3:45. I jogged about 300m between repeats.

3:34 (2:28 + 66)

On the first couple of these I felt discouraged. My legs felt a little tight despite the long warmup, and it just seemed like an impossible task to run 25 consecutive laps at a pace which I was able only to flop my way through three laps at a time.
As the workout went on I felt better. 31:15 still feels like an enormous goal, but if it weren't a challenge it wouldn't be a very good goal. I'm worried about getting stuck running alone, because it's not hard to get separated from other guys over six miles, even if they're running about the same pace you are.
The last one I kicked at about 85% effort over the last lap, and this still gave a 66, so I think I have the wheels and fitness to pull this race off. I need to get the confidence and toughness down. Fortunately, that's something I can actually control.

Later I joined the NFTC. Ian has been supportive of the 10K attempt since the start, and even recruited Mike Davies almost explicitly so I'd have someone there to run with (at least, that's the way it sounded). So running with him and Jasper and doing some lifting with my abs coach was a pleasant way to spend the afternoon.

In fact, I'd say the entire day was pleasant. Wake up, lounge around, bike to campus under the cool sun, tutor calculus a while, work out, mad burgers for lunch, nappy time in the library, more working out, and finally a story for the Tech on the SCIAC Invite.

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