Weekly Summary: April 2008, Week 4 (VO2 intervals, long run, reps)

I was pleased with my track work this week, which was also my biggest effort of the week. 5x1000 under 3:00 sounded daunting, but my fitness is good enough that 2:00 afforded a lot of recovery. I also pushed myself a bit harder than in previous work. I've got more of the track runner's intense mentality now, as opposed to the long-distance road runner's training plan of relaxed and gentle stress. I think things are going to come together well here over the next month or so.

Watching the team perform so well at SCIACs was inspiring, while watching the CMS guys tie my 5000 time from last week was inspiring in a different way. Now I want to go out and make sure I run faster than 15:13. I'm looking at the weather forecast now in the bottom corner of my browser window, and it says Tuesday and Wednesday will be cool. Of course, that probably means that next Saturday the cool spell will be over and it'll be blistering hot again. The 5000 is at 6:25PM, so it should at least be slightly cooler and slightly less direct sunlight than the heat of the day.

My plan for next week is:
Monday: long
Tuesday: 4x1600 under 4:55, lap jog
Wednesday: recover
Thursday: easy rep session on the track
Friday: easy
Sat: 5000m faster than anyone from CMS runs this year, and also faster than Arianna Lambie
Sun: 1500m see if I can PR

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