Wednesday, March 19 (90 minutes)

There is a relatively-new Salad Fingers out there. I don't know how it took me this long to realize it. But it's glorious. A visceral plunge into the cobweb-filled corners of life. You know you want to watch it.

I don't know why, but my calves now appear to be permanently sore. I thought they were better, but after about 20 minutes of running today they were starting to feel it, and I went a full ninety. I guess it's back to shoes tomorrow.

My armpit foam returned today. This convinces me that it's related to sweat, since it was a sunny hot day and I haven't had the foaming all winter. That's still not much of an explanation, though. By the way, "armpit foam" is one of the most common internet searches that leads people to this site (after 'anorexia'). So if you're wondering why your armpits foam and came here for answers, I don't have them. But just be reassured that you're not the only one out there. Other people are just like you. It's okay. I feel ya, bro.


Anonymous said...


Markkimarkkonnen said...

i really hope you're not mocking salad fingers